


yes yes you have a nice guitar, dear little hide...

hide in "ties"-mood... [I know this isn't the correct word, but no dictionary around, so... it'll be ok!]


Yoshiki is the kind of guy who hates being on stage, ooooh yeah...

"Special" photo of hide... but I love it!

Exactly the kind of photo I dream I took one day (the movement of the hair, position of legs and arms, and so on and so on... it's not "perfect", but I also like what makes it "not perfect"!)

Once again the kind of photo I dream I took one day, just admire this "hair move"!

Actualy, X Japan was just some local band that didn't attract so many people to their concerts, only their families and some friends, yeah that's it...

... and here is another evidence!
(quite a feminin public, ok, but even bands like Blind Guardian or such mainly attract girls in Japan, so well...)

To see next photos of X Japan...