


hide in colors-mood this time...

I wouldn't like to be the drum on the right here, I strangely feel like it could be badly hurt in the coming second...

! ok... anyone has the number of "SOS Drums in Danger"? Because I think we're facing a case of emergency here!

This hide-san definitely likes posing... (and admire this quite psychedelic guitar! 70's rule!)

One of the rare photos of Heath... I don't especialy like it, but I had to do with what I found...
(actualy, you find lots of photos of hide or Yoshiki, on the web or not, but very few of Taiji, Heath or Pata!)

hide and his "moves" so... caracteristic!

Something's wrong dear? didn't like the wine? ooooooh I understood: you have wine and bread, but you're still waiting for cheese! Just a second I'll find you some...

Thinking some fans probably tried to cosplay this costume (as well as they could anyway... all I have to say to them is congratulations, yes even for only trying!

I know I place here a lot of photos that seem to come from a same photo session, but well I just love their atmosphere... (even though they now obviously completely abandonned the "glam-metal" image for something far more "class"... which I prefer actualy!)

No no, believe me, this isn't a girl, this is Yoshiki... (first one who says there is no real difference between a girl and Yoshiki... ok just give me one second, I'm going to take my bazooka!)


"Classic" photo of Yoshiki, where you can see some of the main "symbols" of X: a rose, red color (refers to anger), and blue color (refers to sadness, depression)

Another atmosphere... which I also love!
(still, I can't find out when/where this photo was taken, if it was recorded, and so on... I know hide also wore a Santa Claus costume, but the others? If anyone knows if there is a video of that, and if so where I could find it...)

To see next photos of X Japan...