Fool's Mate n°281
(- Yomi (Nightmare))

Our good boy thought it was time to remind fans that dogs aren't toys you get and throw away soon after, they're pets who grow up and have to be taken care of, from the time we get them (=most of the time when they're cute little puppies) to the time they die: most of the time, fortunately, they become adults in between!
...Er? What? He was only told he would spend a funny morning with dogs playing around him, and he thought it could be funny?
Oh well...

...Honestly, I'm not sure which one looks the most clever on this photo...
(+ Yomi's fingers! ergl! I'm not sure even a manicure can do anything for him anymore!)

Yomi is glad! Yomi found new friends! Yomi's a good boy!




And Yomi is allowed to set his brain/neurons on, he should know it!



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