Fool's Mate n°282
(- Kirito)

(...Kirito being Pierrot's singer, as if you didn't know if you visit my site regularly (and have to bare with my eternal Kirito-"groupitude"!), but he's on his own here, promoting his (just beginning) solo career. All photos aren't perfect, but some are... GREAT! Especially because he looks very calm on most of these photos: like it a lot!)

It's funny because, under this angle, his face really changes, don't you think?
+ "G clef" [says my dictionnary, "clé de sol" in French] at the revers of one's jacket = instant love!

This photo is really small on the magazine, I didn't even made it smaller (I usually always do, for every photo), but being the hands-lover I am (especially when it's about Kirito's hands), I simply -had to- scan it!

-The- thing that makes me go "gargl" (by fright) when I see any Japanese's legs: no calf! Makes it look like some stick is added to the up of the leg... funny somehow!

I couldn't make the scan darker, which is sad because this photo is rather good "on the magazine", while here... it looks "ok", but only ok, because it's a little too light!
Still... his attitude is nice here, like it.

-In love with this photo I am.-
It's the kind of photo that makes me buy a magazine even when I don't like the rest of the magazine so much. Just because I -love- this photo!



Grrrr too bad he has this cigarette on the first photo! He could have looked over-gorgeous, while that "thing" makes it look usual, destroys the harmony of the image (-in my humble opinion that is), and such...

I scanned both photos (-this one and the next-) because... it's on a double-page, "the whole" looks absolutely great, it's too bad I had to "cut" it because I can't scan such a double page at once!



(This second one is far lighter, don't ask me why...)





Eeeer... I don't get the point of this photo... I don't know what you think of it, but I really don't especially like it!
Oh I know! It proves that, when he wants to, he's able to "hold" his shoulders correctly! Instead of looking like some monkey becaue they're too much "curved"!

Oooh poor little thing hiding in his corner...
(I prefer the photo they published in the "summary" (cf.: below), but well... nice body at least)










Here, he has a... weird face let' say, "not usual" I mean: very kind eyes, kind of shy maybe, somehow "lost" he's far more "daring" usually, don't you think? The pose isn't so good, too bad, but I like this "different mood" a lot! Therefore I like this photo a lot!
(+ Our beloved "conjunctivits" is once again here, more red than ever, at its usual place!: Even if you look most kind here dear Kirito: SLEEP! Damn it!)

Special bonus:

Here's -the- photo that it's too bad they didn't publish a larger version! Really like it!



Soooo... As you can see, it seems that this "possible name change" he spoke about some time ago turned out as a simple "romanised version" of his "stage name". It would have been complicated after all to explain people: "Yeah I'm the same person, playing a slightly different kind of music, and using a completely different name!": probably better like that!


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