UV n°121
(- Pierrot)


And Takeo, looking bored. Or depressed. You choose. So: traditionnal again.

Slightly different photos in the "sommaire". But the most important: photos with far less work with Photoshop... Meaning:
- Kirito has a far less perfect skin (normal!)
- Aiji looks... er like he was 10 years older (not normal: bad choice)
- Jun looking... like Jun (= like a 10 years old boy)
- Takeo looking as depressed as ever... but older too, see the "circles" behind his eyes
- Kohta: looking quite older too, mainly thanks to the "circles" behind his eyes.
Conclusion: SLEEP GUYS!!!

Back-cover of UV. Really like this photo. Except for Takeo, who's hopelessly looking sad/depressed... maybe it should be time for him to find a girlfriend? Or something else than his drums to make him happy: I never see him smile/happy unless he has drumsticks in his hands and a drum-set next to him...


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